1. Where can reliable information on the existence of a malfunction be obtained?

We want to offer our customers the best possible transparency about the availability of our systems. You can check the availability of individual services over the course of a week at any time via the external website http://mailstatus.de. Up times and disruptions are marked in colour.

mail status

Furthermore, the independent fault site allestörungen.de offers you an additional indication of whether there is a current fault:


On our homepage as well as in the webmailer, additional information on the existence of a fault can be displayed.

malfunction message

2. Is there a way to access my e-mails despite a malfunction?

A system malfunction does not have to restrict all access to your e-mail account. Please try the following access options first:

  • Access email by logging in via your browser at https://mail.fr
  • Access email via the mail.fr Mail App for iOS and Android
  • Access email via external programs, such as AppleMail, Outlook, or Thunderbird, using the IMAP/POP3 protocols

3. If there is no operating system fault and yet the use of your e-mail account does not work, how can I proceed?

First, please check whether there is an operating fault with your Internet service provider. The independent website allestörungen.de will give you an initial overview. Furthermore, please check your WLAN router and restart it if necessary.

Updates of the operating system or individual programmes can often be found as the cause of newly occurring faults.

First, please check whether updates have been carried out and whether any changes have been made to the saved settings as a result.

If you still have problems using your mail.fr e-mail account, you can of course contact our Support.

4. What are the causes of a malfunction?

There are many different causes for a malfunction. Our server architecture is of course redundant and set up to be as fail-safe as possible, but unforeseeable hardware defects can occur at any time. A single server consists of many components, all of which can fail after a certain period of continuous use. For example, hard disks, mainboards, main memory, to name just a few points.

Furthermore, in addition to hardware, there are also possible limitations with the internet connection. Are there network problems? For example, are there problems with the internet connection from Hamburg to Frankfurt to De-cix?

Attacks are another cause of disruptions. In the past, we unfortunately had to fend off one or two DDoS attacks. Of course, we use special defence techniques here, but every attack is individual.

You can be assured that we work hard every day on the further development and security of our server infrastructure. We invest a lot in the system's fail-safety. But even our service is not free of disruptions.

5. What should I do in the event of a malfunction?

If you are unable to use your e-mail account due to a malfunction, we will inform you in various ways, as described in the upper part of the FAQ. In the event of a malfunction, we ask you to wait and refrain from contacting the support hotline or e-mail support. Our technicians are working at full speed to remedy the malfunction in a timely manner.

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